Country: Mozambique, Thailand
Category: Children, Health
Total Raised: $88,802

How have we helped?
21st Century Leaders donated $78,802 to Unicef. These funds were used by Unicef to define and implement a home based care programme for HIV aids orphans.
About Unicef
Unicef helps children receive the support, healthcare and education they need to survive the threats of childhood poverty - such as preventable disease or malnutrition - and grow up to become healthy adults.
Unicef is working in Mozambique on Prevention of Mother-to- Child Transmission (PMTCT). By giving mothers one drug dose before birth and one to the child directly after birth, 50% of babies will be born free of HIV. Unicef is working with partners to provide training for health workers and by the end of 2007 16 new PMTCT clinics were added to the existing 44. This saved 3'500 babies from HIV/AIDS. Unicef also works to help women living with HIV/AIDS get the right treatment for themselves and their children.
In 2004 Unicef opened the country's first children's day hospital specialising in paediatric AIDS. They continue to expand the capacity of doctors on clinical care for these children, as well as opening new treatment clinics and developing their home-based care department. These clinics serve up to 14'000 children living with HIV/AIDS.
Funds from 21st Century Leaders helped further develop Unicef's work in Mozambique. HIV/AIDS is the single greatest threat to the development of Mozambique, a country where 54% of its people live below the poverty line.
• 1.5 Million (14.9% of Mozambicans) aged between 15 to 49 are living with HIV/AIDS
• 85'000 children are HIV positive
• 500 Mozambicans get infected with HIV every day
• 90 babies are infected by their mothers every day
• More than 270'000 children have been orphaned by HIV/AIDS
Grants paid out by 3rd parties
21st Century Leaders introduced Unicef to an anonymous corporate donor, to specifically fund a project in Mae Sot Thailand and the donor subsequently funded The Streetside Friends Project which cost $10,000.
About Unicef The Streetside Friends Project
The Volunteer Group for Child Development established a project called, the Streetside Friends Project, in order to provide needed assistance to street children in the Mae Sai District, Chiang Rai Province. The Streetside Friends Project supports a drop-in center which was opened in order to provide a variety of services including: life skill-based activities (both in house and in the field) and data collection and research studies to help develop more effective programming for the children in the future.
The drop-in center, called The House Near the Bridge, also coordinates efforts with other agencies concerned with solving the problem of the young people. The drop-in center’s name and location has provided easy access for street children.
The initiative in Chiang Rai has been successful and the UNICEF programme officers who have visited the facility agreed that further support should be given for a project targeting street children in Mae Sot using a similar approach. The Volunteer Group for Child Development replicated the Mae Sot project and opened up another drop-in center for street children in Mae Sot in Tak Province.
Main Activities
1. Establishment of a drop-in center, which provided health services, nutritional advice, basic education and HIV/AIDS and life skills education
2. Counselling and information through posters, art activities, videos, exhibition of children’s art and camps;
3. Monitoring of children, including collection of data on situation and needs; and
4. Coordination with other agencies.
How have we helped?
21st Century Leaders donated $78,802 to Unicef. These funds were used by Unicef to define and implement a home based care programme for HIV aids orphans.
About Unicef
Unicef helps children receive the support, healthcare and education they need to survive the threats of childhood poverty - such as preventable disease or malnutrition - and grow up to become healthy adults.
Unicef is working in Mozambique on Prevention of Mother-to- Child Transmission (PMTCT). By giving mothers one drug dose before birth and one to the child directly after birth, 50% of babies will be born free of HIV. Unicef is working with partners to provide training for health workers and by the end of 2007 16 new PMTCT clinics were added to the existing 44. This saved 3'500 babies from HIV/AIDS. Unicef also works to help women living with HIV/AIDS get the right treatment for themselves and their children.
In 2004 Unicef opened the country's first children's day hospital specialising in paediatric AIDS. They continue to expand the capacity of doctors on clinical care for these children, as well as opening new treatment clinics and developing their home-based care department. These clinics serve up to 14'000 children living with HIV/AIDS.
Funds from 21st Century Leaders helped further develop Unicef's work in Mozambique. HIV/AIDS is the single greatest threat to the development of Mozambique, a country where 54% of its people live below the poverty line.
• 1.5 Million (14.9% of Mozambicans) aged between 15 to 49 are living with HIV/AIDS
• 85'000 children are HIV positive
• 500 Mozambicans get infected with HIV every day
• 90 babies are infected by their mothers every day
• More than 270'000 children have been orphaned by HIV/AIDS
Grants paid out by 3rd parties
21st Century Leaders introduced Unicef to an anonymous corporate donor, to specifically fund a project in Mae Sot Thailand and the donor subsequently funded The Streetside Friends Project which cost $10,000.
About Unicef The Streetside Friends Project
The Volunteer Group for Child Development established a project called, the Streetside Friends Project, in order to provide needed assistance to street children in the Mae Sai District, Chiang Rai Province. The Streetside Friends Project supports a drop-in center which was opened in order to provide a variety of services including: life skill-based activities (both in house and in the field) and data collection and research studies to help develop more effective programming for the children in the future.
The drop-in center, called The House Near the Bridge, also coordinates efforts with other agencies concerned with solving the problem of the young people. The drop-in center’s name and location has provided easy access for street children.
The initiative in Chiang Rai has been successful and the UNICEF programme officers who have visited the facility agreed that further support should be given for a project targeting street children in Mae Sot using a similar approach. The Volunteer Group for Child Development replicated the Mae Sot project and opened up another drop-in center for street children in Mae Sot in Tak Province.
Main Activities
1. Establishment of a drop-in center, which provided health services, nutritional advice, basic education and HIV/AIDS and life skills education
2. Counselling and information through posters, art activities, videos, exhibition of children’s art and camps;
3. Monitoring of children, including collection of data on situation and needs; and
4. Coordination with other agencies.