Country: Mozambique
Category: Combating Climate Change, Health, Poverty Alleviation
Total Raised: $881

How have we helped?
The funds were raised by 21st Century Leaders, from the sale of Whatever It Takes products.
21st Century Leaders' donation paid for John Keane of SolarAid to visit Northern Mozambique, to explore, assess and plan for future projects in the region.
About SolarAid
Two of the biggest threats facing humanity today are climate change and global poverty. SolarAid helps to combat both, simply by bringing clean, renewable power to the poorest people in the world. Right now, two billion people have no access to electricity. They rely on burning fuels such as kerosene and wood for light and heat, which is highly toxic and expensive. Having solar power improves people's health, income and education. That's because solar power can enable poor people to cook food, pump clean water, run fridges, light homes, schools and hospitals, farm more effectively, and much more.
Areas of work
Education - In rural Africa, many schools and homes do not have electric lighting. This means children cannot study after dark. SolarAid urgently need funds to bring solar-powered lanterns to homes. This will enable school children to complete assignments and continue their education beyond primary level. Electricity in schools will mean access to the web - and a world of learning.
Health - A poor family in Africa burns around 55 litres of kerosene a year to light their home and are forced to cook food inside. Respiratory diseases caused by toxic smoke kill 1.6 million women and children each year. That's one death every 20 seconds. Solar lanterns can replace kerosene, dramatically improving health. A solar cooker can be easily built from cardboard and waste reflective material, eliminating the need for indoor fires.
Livelihoods - SolarAid enables some of the poorest people in the world to make and sell solar-powered products. SolarAid need your help to provide raw materials, and train people in finance and marketing, so they can set up small businesses. This means they can earn a living, so they can afford to buy food and medicines and to send their children to school.
How have we helped?
The funds were raised by 21st Century Leaders, from the sale of Whatever It Takes products.
21st Century Leaders' donation paid for John Keane of SolarAid to visit Northern Mozambique, to explore, assess and plan for future projects in the region.
About SolarAid
Two of the biggest threats facing humanity today are climate change and global poverty. SolarAid helps to combat both, simply by bringing clean, renewable power to the poorest people in the world. Right now, two billion people have no access to electricity. They rely on burning fuels such as kerosene and wood for light and heat, which is highly toxic and expensive. Having solar power improves people's health, income and education. That's because solar power can enable poor people to cook food, pump clean water, run fridges, light homes, schools and hospitals, farm more effectively, and much more.
Areas of work
Education - In rural Africa, many schools and homes do not have electric lighting. This means children cannot study after dark. SolarAid urgently need funds to bring solar-powered lanterns to homes. This will enable school children to complete assignments and continue their education beyond primary level. Electricity in schools will mean access to the web - and a world of learning.
Health - A poor family in Africa burns around 55 litres of kerosene a year to light their home and are forced to cook food inside. Respiratory diseases caused by toxic smoke kill 1.6 million women and children each year. That's one death every 20 seconds. Solar lanterns can replace kerosene, dramatically improving health. A solar cooker can be easily built from cardboard and waste reflective material, eliminating the need for indoor fires.
Livelihoods - SolarAid enables some of the poorest people in the world to make and sell solar-powered products. SolarAid need your help to provide raw materials, and train people in finance and marketing, so they can set up small businesses. This means they can earn a living, so they can afford to buy food and medicines and to send their children to school.