Country: United States of America
Category: Health, Music & Art
Total Raised: $11,723

How have we helped?
The funds were raised by 21st Century Leaders, from the sale of Whatever It Takes products.
With the money raised by 21st Century Leaders meant LIFEbeat was better able to offset costs of a long overdue computer system upgrade. LIFEbeat planned to replace 10 computers, set up a new server and improve its network.
New computers brought faster access to information and offered LIFEbeat employees a more stable environment in which to track and communicate with our hundreds of volunteers. A computer system upgrade meant that LIFEbeat opened up a better dialogue between people who share the common goal of helping to bring the life saving message of HIV prevention to those most at-risk.
About LIFEbeat
LIFEbeat – The Music Industry Fights AIDS is a national non-profit organisation dedicated to reaching America’s youth with the message of HIV/AIDS prevention.
LIFEbeat mobilizes the talents & resources of the music industry to raise awareness & to provide support to the AIDS community.
LIFEbeat seeks to encourage young people to make informed decisions about their health.
LIFEbeat achieves its mission through the implementation of programmes such as the National Tour Outreach Program. In partnership with local AIDS Service Organisations across the country, LIFEbeat connects with thousands of young people each year on national music tours distributing condoms, testing referral information, offering prevention literature & safer sex information.
LIFEbeat’s presence on these tours facilitated the distribution of about 75,000 pieces of HIV/AIDS prevention materials saving countless lives & educating young music fans across the country.
Because LIFEbeat focuses most of its funds on executing its programmes a much needed technical support system had not been a reality, until 21st Century Leaders funded this.
How have we helped?
The funds were raised by 21st Century Leaders, from the sale of Whatever It Takes products.
With the money raised by 21st Century Leaders meant LIFEbeat was better able to offset costs of a long overdue computer system upgrade. LIFEbeat planned to replace 10 computers, set up a new server and improve its network.
New computers brought faster access to information and offered LIFEbeat employees a more stable environment in which to track and communicate with our hundreds of volunteers. A computer system upgrade meant that LIFEbeat opened up a better dialogue between people who share the common goal of helping to bring the life saving message of HIV prevention to those most at-risk.
About LIFEbeat
LIFEbeat – The Music Industry Fights AIDS is a national non-profit organisation dedicated to reaching America’s youth with the message of HIV/AIDS prevention.
LIFEbeat mobilizes the talents & resources of the music industry to raise awareness & to provide support to the AIDS community.
LIFEbeat seeks to encourage young people to make informed decisions about their health.
LIFEbeat achieves its mission through the implementation of programmes such as the National Tour Outreach Program. In partnership with local AIDS Service Organisations across the country, LIFEbeat connects with thousands of young people each year on national music tours distributing condoms, testing referral information, offering prevention literature & safer sex information.
LIFEbeat’s presence on these tours facilitated the distribution of about 75,000 pieces of HIV/AIDS prevention materials saving countless lives & educating young music fans across the country.
Because LIFEbeat focuses most of its funds on executing its programmes a much needed technical support system had not been a reality, until 21st Century Leaders funded this.