Fisher House
Country: United Kingdom
Category: Health, Post Conflict Relief
Total Raised: $80

How have we helped?
In 2012 21st Century Leaders sponsored Prodigy’s band manager John Fairs’ son Ollie, who in December started a solo 24,000 mile motorbike ride for charity, riding the entire length of the South, then Central and finally North American Continents. The main goal for the trip is to hit his fundraising target of £100,000.
About Fisher House
Fisher House is a “home away from home” for military patients at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham (QEHB) and their loved ones. Opened in March 2013, Fisher House UK is the first of its kind outside of the US.
Due to the world class care carried out at QEHB, and the lessons learnt from the battlefield, servicemen and women survive injuries today that they would have died from just a few years ago.
But for their families, the knock at the door is something they dread.
When they speak to families, the families tell them that when they hear their loved one is injured they just want to get to Birmingham as soon as possible, without any thought about where they will stay when they get there.
Fisher House will be here for them: a “home away from home” within walking distance of the hospital.
Fisher House will have 18 large family bedrooms, all with ensuite facilities, and disabled access throughout. There are also communal facilities for military patients to get out of the ward and spend time with families, friends and colleagues in a non-clinical environment.
How have we helped?
In 2012 21st Century Leaders sponsored Prodigy’s band manager John Fairs’ son Ollie, who in December started a solo 24,000 mile motorbike ride for charity, riding the entire length of the South, then Central and finally North American Continents. The main goal for the trip is to hit his fundraising target of £100,000.
About Fisher House
Fisher House is a “home away from home” for military patients at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham (QEHB) and their loved ones. Opened in March 2013, Fisher House UK is the first of its kind outside of the US.
Due to the world class care carried out at QEHB, and the lessons learnt from the battlefield, servicemen and women survive injuries today that they would have died from just a few years ago.
But for their families, the knock at the door is something they dread.
When they speak to families, the families tell them that when they hear their loved one is injured they just want to get to Birmingham as soon as possible, without any thought about where they will stay when they get there.
Fisher House will be here for them: a “home away from home” within walking distance of the hospital.
Fisher House will have 18 large family bedrooms, all with ensuite facilities, and disabled access throughout. There are also communal facilities for military patients to get out of the ward and spend time with families, friends and colleagues in a non-clinical environment.