Blue Marine Foundation
Country: United Kingdom
Category: Conservation & Protecting Biodiversity
Total Raised: $164

How can we Helped?
21st Century Leaders’ donation helped Blue Marine Foundation Ambas- sador Amber Nuttall achieve her goal of raising over £10,000 to be the first person to travel the length of the river Thames by Paddleboard. Funds raised are to go to support the creation of the Atlantic Oceans largest ma- rine protected area (MPA) in the waters surrounding the Ascension Island, a British Overseas Territory and the peak of a gigantic undersea volcano in the tropical Atlantic, roughly the size of Germany.
About Blue Marine Foundation
BLUE aims to fix the largest solvable problem on the planet. Currently only 3% of United Kingdom foundation philanthropy goes to the environment and of this ONLY 4.5% is invested in marine issues. BLUE is working hard
to ensure our oceans are no longer out of sight and out of mind.
We need greater protection of the world’s oceans. When BLUE began its work only 1% of the world’s oceans were protected. It has since dramatically in- creased, but still only 3% is protected.
Our seas cover over 70% of the world’s surface and yet little over 3% is un- der any kind of protection. Life as we know it depends on the protection of the oceans’ intricate and vulnerable ecosystems. BLUE aims to increase the amount of ocean under active protection from 2.3% to 10% by 2020.
How can we Helped?
21st Century Leaders’ donation helped Blue Marine Foundation Ambas- sador Amber Nuttall achieve her goal of raising over £10,000 to be the first person to travel the length of the river Thames by Paddleboard. Funds raised are to go to support the creation of the Atlantic Oceans largest ma- rine protected area (MPA) in the waters surrounding the Ascension Island, a British Overseas Territory and the peak of a gigantic undersea volcano in the tropical Atlantic, roughly the size of Germany.
About Blue Marine Foundation
BLUE aims to fix the largest solvable problem on the planet. Currently only 3% of United Kingdom foundation philanthropy goes to the environment and of this ONLY 4.5% is invested in marine issues. BLUE is working hard
to ensure our oceans are no longer out of sight and out of mind.
We need greater protection of the world’s oceans. When BLUE began its work only 1% of the world’s oceans were protected. It has since dramatically in- creased, but still only 3% is protected.
Our seas cover over 70% of the world’s surface and yet little over 3% is un- der any kind of protection. Life as we know it depends on the protection of the oceans’ intricate and vulnerable ecosystems. BLUE aims to increase the amount of ocean under active protection from 2.3% to 10% by 2020.