Anti-Slavery International
Country: India, Senegal, Albania
Category: Children, Human Justice
Total Raised: $28,183

How have we helped?
The funds were raised by 21st Century Leaders, from the sale of Whatever It Takes products.
21st Century Leaders' funding helped Anti-Slavery International support key partners that work closely with vulnerable children, specifically focused on the Forced Child Begging Project; to draw attention to the abuse, those who benefit and the reasons it continues to be allowed. Anti-Slavery developed advocacy & actions aimed directly at governments, child beggars & their families, in order to protect & rescue children & to end the practice.
About Anti-Slavery International
Anti-Slavery International, founded in 1839, is the world's oldest international human rights organisation. They work at local, national & international levels to eliminate the system of slavery around the world by:
• Urging governments of countries with slavery to develop and implement measures to end it.
• Lobbying governments and intergovernmental agencies to make slavery a priority issue.
• Supporting research to assess the scale of slavery in order to identify measures to end it.
• Working with local organisations to raise public awareness of slavery.
• Educating the public about the realities of slavery and campaigning for its end.
How have we helped?
The funds were raised by 21st Century Leaders, from the sale of Whatever It Takes products.
21st Century Leaders' funding helped Anti-Slavery International support key partners that work closely with vulnerable children, specifically focused on the Forced Child Begging Project; to draw attention to the abuse, those who benefit and the reasons it continues to be allowed. Anti-Slavery developed advocacy & actions aimed directly at governments, child beggars & their families, in order to protect & rescue children & to end the practice.
About Anti-Slavery International
Anti-Slavery International, founded in 1839, is the world's oldest international human rights organisation. They work at local, national & international levels to eliminate the system of slavery around the world by:
• Urging governments of countries with slavery to develop and implement measures to end it.
• Lobbying governments and intergovernmental agencies to make slavery a priority issue.
• Supporting research to assess the scale of slavery in order to identify measures to end it.
• Working with local organisations to raise public awareness of slavery.
• Educating the public about the realities of slavery and campaigning for its end.